Thursday, March 20, 2008

Awesome Video Game Characters

Some Fav VG char's of mine :) Feel free to post yours too if you wanna

Character List:

Name: Falco Lombardi (Starfox)
-Mastery of Air Combat
-Seen as cocky by onlooker
Quote: "Guess you're good for somethin' "

Name: Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy)
-True, Blunt, Concentrated
-Self-centered at times
Quote: "Why should I care if Midgar is dying?"

Name: Sephiroth (Final Fantasy)
-Really smart, makes his own destiny
-respects individuals even though he knows most are corrupt
Quote: "Cloud, have you heard of Jenova?"

Name: Trevelyan '006' (Goldeneye 007)
-Bent on becoming the best he could, loyal to his friends
-Rebellious, always thinks for himself
Quote: "James, always loyal to your mission, but never to your friends."

Name: Soren (Fire Emblem)
-Places logic over most anything, even the ladies! :)
-Wind magician, scholar, geniusNo signature Quotes.

Name: Maiev Shadowsong (WC3)
-Possessed with revenge
-Lost everythiing from her vengence
-Revenge is all she has to llive on
Quote: "I am the law"

Name: Arthas (WC3)
-Obsessed with power
-Murdered his father for his place as king
Quote: "Frostmourne hungers"

Name: Aerith (Final Fantasy)
-Raised from the slums of Midgar
-Nice to everyone, last of the ancients
-Dies to save world from meteor

Thank you for reading! :) Feel Free to post yours too guys